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Why Plek App and WhatsApp can help you with your work-life balance

New group: "Birthday Joost". Group message: “Hi everybody, we would like to buy a gift for Joost. Who is in? I will send you some useful details about the payment soon. Useful or not, WhatsApp aims to launch a new feature very soon: group invitations. As of now every user can choose to accept or decline group participations.

We from Plek understand this new functionality and already included this in our platform from the start. Users want to control their own information and ask for a clear distinction between their private and their work-related activities. Recent research also demonstrates that users want to limit their participation in WhatsApp and work-related groups.

Make good agreements with each other

Whether you want to have control over your group invitations or you want to turn on your holiday snooze, functionalities alone won’t help. In order to succeed, you need to make good agreements with colleagues, friends and family. An example could be to use an Employee App such as Plek for work-related issues or WhatsApp for private matters.

Improve your work life balance

It’s nice to keep in touch with people, wherever and whenever they are. Useful to maintain contacts and to keep in touch about the latest updates. You can use WhatsApp and PlekApp for both, but with a different purpose. How?

It’s simple: with WhatsApp you can go the cinema with colleagues and afterwards you can send each other messages. Because you went to the cinema in your own time, you want to avoid being remembered about other work projects. With the PlekApp you can collaborate on work related projects in groups and share documents safely stored at the server. After work you will put on your snooze function again, since your loved ones also need your full attention ;).


It’s good to keep your work and private life separated and when you agree to live on to that, you will also improve the security of your organization. Phone numbers, pictures, documents, they are all included in your WhatsApp group. Everything will be kept on external servers and when your colleague leaves the company, data will still be on his or her phone and not safely stored in the cloud. By using a professional and secure app, company data will not be exposed to everybody.

Use PlekApp for work related documents and to share other work related information in WhatsApp. Your employer will be very thankful for that! A win-win we would say! Do you already have a clear idea on how to separate private and personal life activities?

P.S. Curious to see what the Plek App looks like - why not take a free product tour?

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